Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Professional teacher Essay

Development takes what is there as a valuable starting point, not as something to be replaced, but a useful platform on which to build. To do so is to recognise not only that teachers do have valuable existing expertise but also that, if teachers are forced to choose, they will usually revert to their secure established ways of doing things. The metaphor of ‘building on what is already there’ is not, however, satisfactory because it suggests adding on something separate to what is there, something extra on top. The concept of development, in contrast, implies that whatever is added, whatever is new, will be integrated with what is there already, and will indeed grow from what is there. † McIntyre and Hagger (1992, p. 271) This places the teacher in a position of power and responsibility. It means that the teacher is the arbiter of change. If a proposed change does not meet with the approval of the teacher, then there is little likelihood that the change will be introduced. What sometimes happens is that, where a proposed reform partly meets with the approval of a teacher, the proposed change is revised. It may be scaled down, some of the less acceptable aspects removed or emphases may be changed. The proposed reform undergoes a process of customization to suit the circumstances and priorities of the individual teacher. This position of power in relation to change and reform also brings with it considerable responsibility. Teachers must be attuned to the need for change. They need to be proactive, able to take initiatives in relation to change but also to make sound judgments about the value and relevance of any change, proposed by others or initiated by themselves. They cannot afford to reject all change outright or be dismissive of it. To do so would be to abandon a professional obligation to work in the interests of students and the future of society. Every professional teacher must be able to articulate fully the bases for his or her own practical theory. Being explicit about one’s own practical theory is essential for a number of reasons. First, it ensures that explanations of the bases for actions in the classroom can be provided and the expectation of professional accountability discharged. Second, knowing in detail one’s practical theory facilitates the process of review and revision. Here the position of the teacher is somewhat akin to that of a medical expert or flight engineer. Only expert knowledge of how the human body or plane operates can provide a basis for the correction of malfunctions. Thirdly, it allows for a fuller and quicker assessment of proposals for change. Areas of compatibility/incompatibility and the flaws inherent in existing and proposed practical theories can be more readily identified. Moreover, it is more likely that unsound proposals for change will be detected. Interpreting student teacher learning as learning by reflection on can be taken a step further by also applying this idea to other components of teacher education, such as group seminars on campus. The realistic approach can be used at the level of a class on campus by creating an experience in that class which is the basis for learning for a whole group. One example is the idea of organizing 10-minutes lessons given by student teachers to their fellow students. Korthagen, F. A. J. Nevertheless, what teachers do as they design their approaches to teaching has many of the hallmarks of theory building. They address significant problems related to student learning, they design and experiment with ways of solving those problems, they inquire into the relative effectiveness of these ways by using data from observations, tests and feedback from others to assist them, they identify patterns which give rise to predictions about what is likely to happen, and they build bases for professional action.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

High School Credits and Graduation Requirements

Noemi Robles English 101 Arguing a Position Rough Draft High School Credits and Graduation Requirements â€Å"In 1997, Chicago raised its graduation standards to well above what Illinois then requires, asking all students to complete all of the courses necessary for entry to competitive state universities†(1). Many people believed that this may cause many students to drop out, but in reality, the graduation rates improved. Now, we are currently facing a nationwide dilemma. Many high schools are cutting graduation requirements and taking away classes that are important to both the students and teachers.I propose that every high school nationwide should have at least seven courses to take and that every student will graduate with a minimum of twenty-six credits. The most credits a student can obtain is twenty-eight which will be applied in the system. Some schools such as a high school in Santa Ana, California have their students graduate with at least two-hundred and forty cred its essay writer reviews. In 2009, the district wanted to reduce the credits to two-hundred and twenty so more students will graduate. â€Å"By lowering them its just like saying we don't want to put our students to their full potential†(2).Although two-hundred and forty seems like a lot, a course is worth a lot of credits as well which averages out neatly. It would be easier to have every school change the number to twenty-eight and twenty-six so there isn't any confusion. The state of Texas already has this standard and in the past, the graduation requirements have changed many times. Reducing graduation credits will not make things easier for students, but it will affect their performance when they are preparing for college.This issue should be addressed to everyone so every generation can prepare for their futures and be successful. Many schools want to lower their graduation requirements so more students will finish school and so others won't have the urge to dropout. An other reason why lowering these requirements could benefit us is because it will cost less money if some courses are taken out which means fewer teachers as well. â€Å"Twenty-five percent of all students, nearly forty-percent of Black and Hispanic kids fail to graduate†(3).This could also help schools raise their attendance and raise the graduation rates. Since many believe that lowering the graduation requirements is a good thing, they don't realize how much it could actually affect the students who are taking fewer courses. The reason we have schools is to prepare us for college and to prepare for adulthood. Schools benefit us mentally, physically, and emotionally. We learn to interact with others, we learn about ourselves, and we learn different materials to help us understand the way things work and why we do them.Lowering the amount of credits needed to graduate isn't going to make us smarter or help us prepare for our futures. There are many hardworking students who wa nt to learn and taking away a few courses can affect many especially if it was a course students wanted to take. One disadvantage of lowering the graduation requirements is not being prepared for college and it could be harder to be accepted into a good college or university. â€Å"According to a recent national survey, an overwhelming eighty-one percent of high school students expect to attend college†(4).Now a high school diploma isn't enough to find a good job and live on your own. A college graduate will have a better chance of obtaining that job which will make finding a job a lot more difficult, which is the second disadvantage. Students need those extra classes that are being taken away to prepare them for college. â€Å"Because too many students are not learning the basic skills needed to succeed in college or work while they are in high school, the nation loses more than $3. 7 billion a year†(4). A higher education can help lead to a rewarding career and a hap pier life.Students attending any high school should have many opportunities to succeed therefore we shouldn't even consider taking away any courses or lowering the amount of credits needed to graduation. Another reason why we shouldn't lower the credits, is because many classes that students want to take as an elective may not be in the curriculum therefore, they won't have the opportunity to learn something they were looking forward to. Although there should be a number of required courses students should take, electives help students feel more excited to attend school and that elective could be something that they want to study in the future.Some AP courses may also be taken away if they were to lower the graduation requirements. Lastly, lowering the requirements will cause students to slack off in school because they will find it easier to graduate especially incoming freshmen who don't fully understand the importance the first year of high school, and can influence colleges and universities to decline their admission. â€Å"Another high school in Scott County in Kentucky realized that they needed to make reforms after analyzing statistics that showed that forty-five percent of their incoming freshmen were likely to fail at least one ninth-grade class†(5).Students should be inspired to achieve and if we lower their credits they won't have the opportunity to go as far as they are willing to go. Most public high schools in California get their money to pay for teachers and programs through the state. The state pays for schools through revenue, funds, and grants. The money comes directly from 21. 8% state revenue, 38. 4% state general purpose revenue, 1. 6% state lottery revenue, 9. 2% federal, 21. 4% local property taxes and fees, and 7. 6% from other local revenue.The funds that are used are unrestricted funds which can be used for any purposes and earmarked funds which can be used for specific purposes. The grants that are given to schools consist of the base grant (funding for ordinary classroom operations), special education grant (additional flexibility in the use of special education funds), opportunity to learn grant (funding for compensatory instructional services for disadvantage students), instructional improvement grant (funding for staff development and instructional services such as arts and technology programs), and charities (6).Money shouldn't be a big issue because schools can receive money in many ways. â€Å"Morton High School District 201 officials have cut the number of credits students need to graduate and lengthened class periods in what the board president calls ‘the most effective and practical way to save the district money'†(7). Even though they are lengthening the school day, the graduation requirements have dropped which means students will be taking less classes then before.Since money seems to be the biggest issue, schools should encourage students to improve their attendance and get be tter grades because the school can receive more money from that. This obstacle can be solved with just a little hard work and dedication. â€Å"Most children who attend public and private schools in the U. S. Spend between 175 to 185 days in the classroom a year and enjoy a summer break between the months of June and September. The average length of the school day is six hours. U. S.Students spend approximately 30% less time in school than students in other industrialized nations, putting them at a disadvantage as they compete in the global arena†(8). This is extremely important because we as a nation constantly want to become the best but yet the next generation is having a hard time competing in ‘the global arena' because America isn't providing longer school days and more classes for our students. High school shouldn't be as long as six hours because many students work and others are in extra-curricular activities.Students need that gap in order to complete any assig nments and to get enough sleep for the next day. Summer vacation is also a benefit to students because students can relax, be with family, and do many other activities that they wouldn't be able to do if they were attending school. We believe that schools should not be lengthened but in order to prevent students from forgetting what they learned before school ends, they should complete some summer work, especially for math. AP courses give summer work to prepare students, but the work they receive will not be as much, so students won't become stressed.Students will still be able to enjoy their long break from school but have the opportunity to learn as well. If we lowered our graduation rates, there would be less high school dropouts, less classes being failed, more high school graduates, and school districts will be able to save more money if they cut classes that they thought weren't important. If the requirements were made easier for students, they may be inspired to try more cha llenging courses as well. Although there are several key points to the opposing argument, students can still be challenged by having more courses to choose from.If the requirements are higher to graduate, they will try harder to achieve and students who enjoy participating in sports will be motivated to achieve because they have to be passing a certain amount of classes to be eligible. Overall, keeping the credits to at least twenty-six can benefit students in many ways. We should support students to try their best and to achieve their goals. Bibliography 1. Will Raising High School Graduation Requirements Cause More Students To Drop Out?. 25 March 2013. ;http://www. achieve. org/files/ImproveGradRates. pdf;. 2.Barboza, Tony. â€Å"Santa Ana seeks to ease high school graduation requirement. † Los Angeles Times. 08 Feb. 2009:1-2. 27 March 2013. ;http://articles. latimes. com/2009/feb/08/local;. 3. Downey, Maureen. 26 March 2013. ;http://blogs. ajc. com/get-schooled-blog/2010/0 6/02;. 4. Paying Double: Inadequate High Schools and Community College Remediation. 27 March 2013. ;http://www. allyed. org/files/archive;. 5. McCallumore, Kyle M. , and Ervin F. Sparapani. â€Å"The importance of the ninth grade on high school graduation rates and student success in high school. Gale Student Resources in Context. Web. 29 March 2013. 6. How California Schools Get Their Money. 29 March 2013. ;http://www. cbp. org/pdfs;. 7. Ruzich, Joseph. â€Å"Morton High Schools Cut Graduation Requirements to Save Money. † Chicago Tribune. 10 June 2010. Web. 28 March 2013. ;http://articles. chicagotribune. com/2010-06- 10/news/ct-met-0611-morton-bells-20100610_1_president-jeffry-pesek-number-of-credits;. 8. ProQuest Staff. â€Å"At Issue: School Schedule. † ProQuest LLC. 2012: n. pag. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 29 March 2013.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce is common nowadays, nobody seems to take care or know its problems and its issues after divorcing. It is bad for couple to divorce if they have children, in fact that will be a bad result for them to take care of them with their hard life after the divorce. The divorce is the most serious social problem that affect almost the entire life of the children and the couple, it also makes troubles like: sadness, despair, children, and unforgettable moments. The issue is continuing and never stop easily which generates a huge sadness and despair for both sides the couple and the relatives. People usually divorce because they think that they can't be together to continue their life for some behavior reasons. Therefore, couples feel painful and harder to live than before, and the child doesn’t have any idea about the sudden issue that enters the fear in their hearts. Moreover, some parents hesitate to split up when they have children, and won't split up instantly which gives them leisure to choose the right choice. Parents who don’t have children don’t hesitate and decide to split up immediately, and choose the wrong choice to eliminate their life. As a result, they regret for the useless chosen way to split up, and the remorse will mostly last forever in hearts. In conclusion, the divorce has a lot of troubles according the misery, which damage the children and the beautiful life. People have to mind it as a serious problem that they should handle it, whether they are going to divorce or not. To lead them to a progressive beautiful life that make everyone happy and weal, a lot of divorce situations has been eliminated in a positive result that keep their life with no problems before they start splitting up. Consequently parents and children will never think of divorce, and they will have a beneficial life which keep them in a safe aspect.

(classical old)chinese literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

(classical old)chinese literature - Essay Example The title of the â€Å"Written Crossing the Yellow River† sets the place as Yellow River and signals the upcoming stream of pictorial images. Indeed, both the noun â€Å"river† and the verb â€Å"to cross† denote a motion and imply that the narrator sets out on a voyage. The first line begins with a noun and the narrator speaks about a define boat: the boat that he is in. The river was described as â€Å"great†. The reason of its greatness is explained in the second line as to its â€Å"swollen waters† (386). It can be inferred from the second line that the weather is either extremely bad or the narrator is exaggerating the weather conditions since he describes the waters as â€Å"stretched to the sky edge† (386). We understand from the third line that the storm has just broke out. The motion is intensified and accelerated as â€Å"the sky and waves split apart suddenly†. Although it is the boat that wavered back and forth with the wav es, the narrator perceives it as if sky and waves split apart. The waves which obscured the narrator's view, now allow him to see his hometown as we can infer from the forth line. â€Å"The thousands of homes† in his town appear momentarily with the ebb of the tides. In the fifth line, he shifts his focus from homes to the marketplace. The sixth line paints a bit blurry picture, since the narrator's actual perception and his imagination seems to be merged. The adverb â€Å"vaguely† signifies the blurring of perception and imagination as he contemplates mulberry and hemp displayed at the town's marketplace. Indeed, it was impossible for him to discern mulberry and hemp from that distance (if we accept the previous information that he sees the thousands of homes in that distance). However, he sees the mulberry and hemp with his mind eye or â€Å"makes them out†. The one and only symbol of the poem appears when his mind shifts from the actual view to the landscape of his imagination. Indeed, the symbol of â€Å"mulberry and hemp† traditionally stands for China and its cultivated lands. After a momentary distraction, in the seventh line, he brings back his focus to his homeland and fixes his gaze, nevertheless it was too late. While he turned to gaze back, the town has already been disappeared with the flow of the tides. The last line brings us back to the beginning as the waters stretched to the clouds obscuring the subject's view. The last line is metaphorically linked to the second line as the verb â€Å"stretched† repeated twice in the poem. Meanwhile, â€Å"the vast floods† replaced â€Å"swollen waters† and â€Å"the clouds† substituted for â€Å"sky's edge†. The â€Å"vast floods† and â€Å"swollen waters† function like metaphorical curtains first covering then under-covering then covering again the view of the subject. The poet uses the ebb and flow of the tides to create an optic al illusion, which hides and then reveals his homeland. This rhythmic flow of waters reminds the fort-da (Gone! and There!) game. According to Freud, the child plays this game in order to appease his anxiety due to the absence of the mother. In this case, it is the homeland that first â€Å"Gone!† then â€Å"There† again† and the subject tries to overcome his feelings of loss while he leaves his hometown behind. In fact, the rhythmic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Port And Shipping Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Port And Shipping Logistics - Essay Example Shipping is also not restricted to the availability of infrastructure on the seas as ships ply on shipping lanes on the seas that are merely imaginary lines drawn on the seas. Air transportation is also free from any infrastructure requirements, but the volume of freight that can be handled is extremely limited. In essence, the difference between shipping and other forms of transport is the flexibility that shipping offers in that it can carry small and very large volumes of freight across all seas and oceans. In these times when pollution and global warming come to the fore, the comparison of the various forms transportation in this regard is also useful. Road transport is the most polluting and the largest contributor to global warming of any form of transportation. Air transport is next in line with regard to pollution and contributing to global warming, while rail transport is the least polluting. It is only shipping that contributes to global cooling because the gases that emitt ed by shipping like SO2 and NOX are positive coolants. Therefore increased shipping does not pose pollution or global warming issues. The hub and spoke logistic model is cost-effective for moving small volumes of goods to and from locations through consolidation and transshipment. Short shipping offers the means of reaching goods to any port in a region by the use of small shipping vessels, thereby creating new opportunities for shipping to minimize road haulage, with the difficulties, are faced in the transportation of goods by road.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Ocean at the end of the lane Research Paper

The Ocean at the end of the lane - Research Paper Example The book begins with a funeral taking place and ends with death. Neil Gaiman uses stories to keep the dark at bay. He also believes that the stories that are most effective are the ones with plenty of darkness within them. He effectively uses this throughout the novel. The narrator in this novel remains unnamed, he returns to Sussex to bury his relative, who is also unidentified. At one time while driving to visit the house he once lived in, he finds a lot of changes that one might only expect to occur after passage of many years. However, one thing that has not changed is a red-brick farmhouse that was once inhabited by Lettie Hempstock, his childhood friend. The book blends children’ and adults’ world and also blends reality and magic. The writer creates a dream universe which is made up of a ghost world characterized by lurking monsters and shadows. This world is seen through the eyes of a seven year old hero, Sussex and the afterlife, monstrous and magical, mundane and supernatural, a father-son conflict later and the clash of gods (Neil, 2013). He introduces another character who commits suicide in a car after been overcome by guilt of gambling away a lot of savings. The narrator then meets Lettie, a strange, self-confident country girl. The writer brings in a theme of association between money with death. Lettie and her family are creatures who only exist outside of time so as to prevent destruction caused by malevolence like the one of the suicide. This theme becomes clearer as Lettie introduces the narrator to duck pond, which she calls an ocean and in it floats a fish that has choked to death. Mystery starts to come in when the narrator one morning wakes up and mysteriously finds a shilling stuck in his throat. He immediately thinks the ghost of the opal miner has attacked him and he runs to the Hempstocks’ for help. Lettie then guides the narrator into another

Friday, July 26, 2019

Trust between a child and his caregiver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trust between a child and his caregiver - Essay Example This paper aims to highlight that once the trust between a child and his caregiver is broken then it becomes difficult to earn that trust back. Whatever the children see, notice, and hear they adopt it and store it in their minds. Therefore the factor of trust is crucial one between a child and a caregiver. Children are good observers; they carefully notice and observe what is happening around them. They often catch what we say and store them in their mind. The case of Christopher from the text is a good example of this relationship between a child and his caregiver i.e. his father. The case of Christopher is not an ordinary one, he needs more attention and care than other children as he has some issues and his brain does not work properly. He lives with his father who is not happy with his habit of eating everything and pooping on the floor or anywhere. While Christopher is trying to build trust between him and his father, his father tells him something astonishing. He tells him that he had murdered someone and that he lied to him. However, his father wants Christopher to trust him now. Christopher calculates in his mind t hat since he lied to him already and he had murdered someone, therefore, he might murder Christopher as well and he should not trust him. Thinking in this manner led Christopher to plan an escape from the house as he is frightened of being murdered (Haddon). Just like Christopher, we had a neighbor who had two children. The parents used to go to office while caregiver looked after them and used to pick and drop them from their school. One afternoon on their way back from the school the caregiver accidentally hit on a pole. Children were frightened, although no one was injured. Despite of being with him and travelling with him for more than 1.5 years, the children never drove with him again because they did not trust him anymore and were frightened like Christopher. Both the examples from the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Document Comentary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Document Comentary - Essay Example Though people with such thinking are in absolute minority, but the fact that they are carrying out the bomb blasts, the killings and the hate campaign in the name of Jihad, has brought a bad name to the Islamic community. While often citing Allah and the Holy Quran, these anti-social elements have put the entire Islamic community on defensive. Though there are Muslim leaders, who have often expressed their opinions against the campaigns carried out by such groups, but it failed to have much impact as there were some others, who have also been assisting the terror elements. The lack of unity amongst the Islamic nations has further aggravated the problem. Many countries in the Gulf nations are economically well off and are the key suppliers of oil to the world community in general. But the fact that these countries are dependent on Europe or America for needs like defence and other strategic requirements. This has compelled Crown Prince Abdullah to come out with a call for unity amongst the Islamic world. The leader with a modern and broad outlook has been trying to emphasise that the Islamic world must use afflictions and catastrophes as opportunities and challenges for making a self scrutiny. The key objective of the document is to seek unity amongst the Islamic nations, to review the happening that are taking place in the name of Islam to find out ways and means for repairing such errors. HRH Prince Abdullah bin Abdulaziz feels that such an introspection is a must for a broader unity amongst the Islamic nations in general and Gulf nations in particular. The audience includes members of GCC, opinion builders and the media persons attending the conference. While sending across a strong message of solidarity amongst the gulf nations, Prince Abdullah is candid enough to admit the weaker areas lapses being committed by some of the Islamic nation. This has provided covert or overt support to the anti-social elements. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Market equilibrium Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Market equilibrium - Research Paper Example Production and consumption of goods and services are influenced by several factors. However, it is worth to note that there are critical aspects of the society that determines demand and supply. In the context of economics, the society is always entangled in a struggle to satisfy its diverse needs with limited resources. Exchange of goods and services constitutes market and is subject to natural or artificial forces (Dwivedi,2010). The goal of the society has remained achieving equilibrium in the market. In other words, market equilibrium is a state of balance between goods and services supplied and demanded. Under this condition prices and quantity are reconciled between the seller and the buyer. For instance, assuming the equilibrium price is Pe and equilibrium quantity is Qe;it mean that the seller and the buyer has consented the quantity and prices. A diagrammatical presentation of a market equilibrium can be shown below.Supply and demand curves.(Fig.1)The figure .1 above shows t he supply and demand curves with the convergent points indicating equilibrium. This Pe represents equilibrium price and Qe representing equilibrium quantity. It is worth to note that the highlighted prices and quantity stated are mutually accepted by the two parties to the agreement. In other words, there are times when the demand and supply of goods shows no tendency to change and this constitutes market equilibrium. The price changes are a function of equilibrium status of the market.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

No topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

No topic - Essay Example New York, which seems to be the base of the book has the image of a mother adopting children coming from other families. The ones mentioned in the book were the Italians, Russian-Jews, Dominicans and Chinese and Jamaicans for the 1900. The role of immigration to American history or to New York history specifically, is as significant as to understanding the purpose of the immigrants' existence. But just like any other stranger who tends to land to an unknown place, these immigrants to New York also face different challenges that either force them to leave or continue living in the one busy place of New York. Now how are they looked at What are the bases of their significance as immigrants First, there is of course the color to where they belong. The Jamaicans can be said to be a perfect example for this. The next big thing will be the gender. Immigrants before had more problems settling on one quality job compared to the contemporary days where the availability of vacant positions with a fair and equal position is greater.

Learning and Teaching Styles Essay Example for Free

Learning and Teaching Styles Essay Wk. 2 Learning and Teaching Styles â€Å"In almost every actual well-designed study, Mr. Pashler and his colleagues write in their paper, ‘Learning Styles: Concepts and Evidence,’ the pattern is similar: For a given lesson, one instructional technique turns out to be optimal for all groups of students, even though students with certain learning styles may not love that technique. † (2009) I wanted to start this paper with this quote since it did involve some sort of evidence that teaching in one style still works. Students can and do succeed and have received equal scores as their peers whose learning styles matched the teachers methods of teaching. I do believe however that students may not catch on as fast and lose interest easier when being taught material. This is why I would still use different methods of teaching versus just one. As a visual learner, I understand how difficult it can be to orally receive directions for an assignment or other activity. I thrive on written directions and learning materials that need to be read or are graphed. I often had to ask the teacher numerous times to repeat the directions because I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do. This put me behind and my grades occasionally suffered as a result. As a past teacher who worked in a school that believed in teaching using the multiple intelligences method, I found great joy in seeing my students succeed. As teachers, we were required to hand in our lesson plans weekly to the principal. Our lesson plans had to involve each of the intelligences. This was my first real job as a teacher and I did not completely understand why we were required to do this and not use our own personal methods. Looking back, I am so grateful that I learned and saw first hand the consequences of teaching using the multiple intelligences. I enjoyed seeing my student’s motivation rise as their type of learning was focused on for a particular lesson. When I go back to teaching, I will with no doubt in my mind, use this method again. It completely fits with my style of teaching most likely because it was my first real experience and works even for those students who have a completely different learning style than I do. In an ESL classroom, â€Å"dividing a lesson into phases† (Palmberg) to make sure I use each of the intelligences is ideal. I firmly believe that this method works no matter how different a student’s learning style is from the teacher. In a sample lesson for example, I would explain the topic (i. e. vocabulary words on food items) and give the students an overview of what they will need to do and what they are expected to learn. I would read them a story relating to food or going shopping. Next I would have them write down their own list of items that their families normally buy often for a real-life experience. The next phase is to divide the class into groups and share each other’s lists. They would also discuss what their ideal list and store layout would be like if they could buy any type of food that they wanted from their ideal grocery store. They would then move on to thinking about a song or songs that is about food. We would play that song the following day. For the students who feel comfortable, creating their own body expressions describing food would be next and sharing these movements with the rest of the class. This exercise could be turned into a fun lesson where the rest of the class would have to guess which food item is being emphasized (like charades). We would next come up with a class list of favorite food items. There would more than likely be some disagreement so I would divide them up in half asking them to have a debate based on reasonable food limits and favorites to come up with an ideal list. We would do the same thing for the ideal store layout. For the sake of repetition, each original group would compare with the class their original lists and new â€Å"reasonable† list and layout. I believe this lesson would take a few days but involves most if not all intelligences. Being a visual learner, I can benefit from the students who are different from me as much as they benefit from me and the lessons I teach them using the different intelligences. For example, as I try and improve my weaknesses in some forms of learning, I can benefit from the students who learn better in a completely different way (say kinesthetic). They will get much benefit from the part of the lesson that involves movement and I will get the same benefit seeing how they react and learn to this part of the lesson. To make things fun for the students (and me) those willing could come up with their own way of teaching each other about a certain topic. I would of course give them the general rules and guidelines and they would do the rest. I think each student could benefit from this because they would more than likely use their favorite way of learning to â€Å"teach† a lesson. For those who do not want to do this, they could also benefit from this since it is an exercise that is not ordinarily done and will hold interest longer. I am not a teacher and never have been one who forces students to do something that makes them feel uncomfortable (i. e. standing up and doing a charade). I think that this will do more harm than good. The student may back off and not participate or be eager to learn for fear that they may be picked on by their peers or even the teacher. I had this experience in middle school and know how it feels. I began to pull myself away from the class and especially the teacher. As a result, I did poorly in the class. For these types of students, a more gentle approach is necessary. The teacher may ask this type of student to write an explanation of what they would do or simply tell the teacher what they would do for an assignment. This is why I am such a believer of the multiple intelligences method. It involves all students and doesn’t single out particular ones. Everyone benefits and everyone learns based on their own learning strengths. Another less popular/obvious benefit of this teaching method is related to the impact that the students learning has on their own family and home life. I think that because a student is more eager to learn as a result of the multiple intelligences method, they will carry their positive attitude into their home life and be more compliant towards their family and of course themselves. As we all know, a student’s home life reflects their attitudes and success in school. References: chronicle. com/article/Matching-Teaching-Style-to/49497/ www. sube. com/ /integrating_learning_styles_and_skills_in_e www. tecweb. org/styles/gardner. html www. tefl. net/esl-lesson-plans/multiple-intelligences. htm Gardner, Howard. 1993. Multiple intelligences. The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Iroquoian Wife Essay Example for Free

The Iroquoian Wife Essay Before the arrival of Europeans in the American continent, the natives had a culture that was alien to European arriving in the continent. â€Å"Native-American family life was both different from and transformed by contact with European culture. British observers (mostly male) regarded gender roles and marital customs among the Indians as an abdication of mens authority† [Redefining Family, 2007]. Over the years, suppression of the tribes, intermarriages, forcing European values on the Native Americans changed their culture. The role of women in Native society changed because of European subjugation and influences [Boyd, 1996]. The Iroquoian people native to Canada had a matrilineal system of tribe. In this system, the lineage of the family is traced to mother and not to father as in other societies. The ancient Iroquoian society could not be described as matriarchal as male members led the tribe but the women were considered guardian of the society [Aboriginal Women, 2007]. They selected the leaders (sachems) and ensured that sachems used their authority according to the tribal customs. Iroquoian women determined the norms of the society and ensured that the men followed the spiritual and social customs. As a wife, Iroquoian wife played a much more important role than the man. She did all the housework, produced food, looked after the children, made clothes and had an active role in social areas traditionally reserved for man in European society. She participated in ceremonies, gambled and took part in tribes’ professional activities [Aboriginal Women, 2007]. The European masters of the land soon dismantled this powerful role of Iroquoian wife in the tribal culture as they refused to recognized matrilineal system. Children of an Iroquoian woman marrying a white man were considered that of the man. Women under the new rules were judged as subservient to man and his property and over the years their role changed to one inferior to man [Aboriginal Women, 2007]. This shows the impact of outside influences on the changing role of women in the society and as a wife in a family.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Relationship Between Money And Happiness Philosophy Essay

The Relationship Between Money And Happiness Philosophy Essay In todays world without exception everyone wants a happy and fulfilling life. The people around us, the society which we belong and even media tells us daily that the only way to reach a happy and fulfilling life is to have a higher income. But, is it true? Firstly we have to examine the meaning of happiness. Most commonly, happiness is known as a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. For years, a great amount of researches have been done to answer this question. In this investigation, while some of researchers are supporting that attaining wealth and possessions is good for us, on the other hand some people are saying it is not. For example, In The High Price Of Materialism Tim Kasser says, No matter how many fancy designer clothes, cars, or jewels they might obtain, no matter how big their house or how up-to-date their electronic equipment, the lost opportunity to engage in pleasurable activities and enjoy each others companion ship will work against need satisfaction, and thus against their happiness. Annie Leonard also supports her idea through her video about consumerism and happiness. In this video the most important thing missed is people and their satisfaction. And again Juliet Schor claims that with statics National income has been rising for the last 20 years, but measures of the quality of life and happiness have fallen. Although all of these statements prove that happiness doesnt come from wealth and possessions, according to Peter Saunders Why Capitalism is Good for The soul, In some companies when workers start to get more profit, it results in higher living standards for workers as well as cheaper and more plentiful goods and services. And this improvement leads to a good life for workers. Although without money and wealth life seems difficult, too much focusing on the possessions affects our mental health, self-control and satisfaction badly as well as damages our relationships and lead to un happiness. Happiness is the most valuable aim of human being. While the earth is getting complicated and changing day by day, almost all people are trying to have a happy and fulfilling life. During this pursuit of happiness, our relationships play a crucial role. In pace of life, when we have encountered with some stressful or disappointing situation or cases, in order to take a breath we always consult our families and fly into our familys arms. If we have our own families and their real support, it is the most reliable way to reach the happiness and relief. But sometimes people can be in a dilemma between possessions and relationships. This is the point of collapsing real happiness, because when the passion of money comes to a person, he starts to abandon his family. He thinks as if money will bring them happiness and good life. But it wont. As Tim Kasser says in the article of Mixed Messages a focus on materialistic values detracts from well-being and happiness. For example when spouses spe nd most of their time working to make money, they neglect opportunities to be with each other and do what most interests them. And again in Downshifting in Britain Difficulties in managing work-life balance can have a detrimental impact on the quality of the relationships between parents and children and the parents responsiveness to the child, with implications for child outcomes. This is particularly important for every young children, with evidence suggesting that it is best for children if they can receive intensive parental contact for the first months(HM Treasury DTI 2003, p 13-14). As you can see in these sentences as long as people dont allocate enough time for their families, there is no way to make them happy. The same situation is also acceptable for peoples friends. Friends are known as a second family; even for some people they are the first. A friend can help us in every tough situation, they can back up us in everywhere. So always we want to have a good friend. If we select and take care of our friends carefully, as well as we have to be careful to maintain our relationships with them. The money, possessions, wealth shouldnt be our friends. While we are establishing a friendship, it mustnt be based on materialistic values or we mustnt let money to interfere our friendship. When money comes, it might hurt our friends and us. Furthermore, if we look at the richest people in the world, we see that the loneliest people are these rich people because of money. According to lots of people, money means high status, greedy and responsibility. With these prejudices, rich people cannot make friends easily, by this way they cant be happy. We associate this situation with food pyramid, if assume t hat there are richest people at the top of chain, and the chain is getting narrowed with the rate of friends, so if we are at the top of the pyramid we wont have friends who makes us more and more happy. To give an example, John Jacob Astor 3 bemoans, money brings me nothing but a certain dull anxiety. So even if you have too much money to spend, as long as you dont have friends and family you cant be happy. The other most important step to reach the happiness is our satisfaction. Because actually the money doesnt make us happy, it can help us just by providing some satisfaction. When we lost our satisfaction, it means we lost our happiness and this is exactly what our possessions do. Lots of people in consumer countries and societies think that they always need more money than they have now, even if they are wealthy and rich people. In the book of Clive Hamilton, this situation is stated with this sentence: The trouble with the rat race is, even if you win, you are still a rat. Because of the society that they belong to, they are convinced that more money means always more happiness. So without exception all people are trying to have more possessions to be satisfied by being able to buy what they need. But there is an insidious fact they always forget, and it is that at the same time they are raising their threshold of sufficiency, and decreasing their rate of happiness. The answer of h ow they can raise their threshold is meanwhile their needs change as incomes rise. While this is being happened, usually most of people are unaware of this situation. So no matter how they are wealthy, unconsciously it is working against their satisfaction and happiness. According to the Affluenza, studies shows that most people would prefer an income of $50 000 if the average is $40 000 to an income of $70 000 if the average is $100 000, that is, most people would rather be poorer, provided others are poorer still. Moreover, in late 2002 when a newspoll survey asked Australian people (richest) whether they can afford to buy everything they need, the answer investigators got is that sixty-two per cent of Australians believe they cannot afford to buy everything they need. If we consider Australia is one of the richest countries, it is a really good example of dissatisfaction and rat race. Self-control is the ability to control ones emotions, behaviors and desires or is the capacity of efficient management to the future, in this process without any control mechanism is it possible to have a good life or live peaceful. Of course NO, because the failure of self-control can cause immense personal and societal repercussions on people. So in this world everyone has to have self- control to handle with obstacles and bad effects of our environment but our possessions are such a dreadful nightmare for self-control that when we look at the whole world suffering of lack of self-control results from more money people have. Because as long as you have more money your ability to prevent yourself from doing something false is getting weaken. For example, using of drugs are known as a way of escaping from stress and most of people dont use it thanks to their self-control because they can see the results of this addiction after usage, but if there is a person who is rich and cannot be happy no longer with his possessions, due to dissatisfaction his/her self-control couldnt work. And at this point he/she lose themselves in drugs and also their happiness lose in it. Beside their happiness their physical health also can be harmed like the brain, heart, and other important organs. We can give more general examples to this case like consumption and credit card debts. If you dont have more money, by fear of debts and overconsumption while you are buying something or spending your money you try to be careful because you can imagine the results of overconsumption thanks to your self- control, but when you lose it, you plunge into debts immediately. So without the self-control we cannot be happy because it is most effective way to be careful about the harmful things. And money is the main enemy of the self-control. On the contrary there is some people claim that money can buy happiness with its benefits in terms of providing higher living standards. Peter Saunders stated that when workers start to get more profit, it results in higher living standards for workers as well as cheaper and more plentiful goods and services. And this improvement leads to a good life for workers. Yes until a certain limit it is true because this world which has capitalist system is not suitable for living without money. Because money provides you necessities like shelter, education, health etc. Furthermore if you have a family, without a good income you cant imagine a good life while you are trying to be alive in this world. But when you have enough money and you are able to supply what you need, after this point moneys importance suddenly decrease and remains only one way to be happy which is not money, just our relationships and our health. According to the Journal of Happiness Studies by Fischer, Claude S. Although Americans wealth increased substantially over the last few decades, their happiness did not. Because as I said before this is not the case of money after a certain point. So no matter without enough money we cannot be happy, it doesnt mean happy comes from wealth and possessions. To conclude, if you have enough money for your basic necessities, after that happiness doesnt come from money. On the contrary, as long as you have a great amount of money or try to have more money than you have, in the pursuit of wealth and possessions you can lose your most important relationships with your friends and family which make you really happy, furthermore your mental and physical health can be affected very badly because of dissatisfaction and lack of self control. Briefly attaining wealth is not essential for our fulfillment even it is against. Work Cited (HM Treasury DTI 2003, p 13-14). The high price of materialism / Mixed Massages By Tim Kasser Why Capitalism is good for the soul By Peter Saunders Journal of Happiness Studies by Fischer,

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Pediatric and Adult Migraines Essay -- Health Head Aches Essays

Pediatric and Adult Migraines Many people are surprised to find that children get migraines. It is one of those illnesses that are associated with adults only. A migraine is an intense, pounding headache with nausea that occurs infrequently. The headache starts around the eyes, the forehead, or the sides of the head. Bright lights and loud noises also make the headache worse, and any movements make this headache worse. Migraines last from a few hours to a few days in serious cases (1). Over 8 million children get migraines a year, which results in over 1 million lost schooldays cumulatively. 20% of adolescents in high school suffer from migraines as well. Pediatric migraines commonly stop when a child becomes an adult. Migraines occurring prior to puberty are about evenly split between boys and girls, and after puberty many more girls than boys experience them. Older children experience migraine pain typically on only one side of the head. Younger children, however, experience pain on both sides of the head. Some people also see a "warning aura," which is a pattern of lines or shadows in front of their eyes as the headache starts (2). Types of migraines are therefore classified as either common (no aura warning) or classic (with aura warning). Aura symptoms usually occur 30 to 60 minutes before the acute headache and generally are resolved by that time (3). Why are pediatric and adult migraines different? There are many different stimulants that trigger a migraine headache. Certain foods, like cheese, processed meats, chocolate, caffeine, MSG, nuts, or pickles are common triggers. Stress and too much exercise can also trigger an attack (1). Most children with migraines have a family history of ... 5) Aromaa, M. et al. "Pain Experience of Children With Headache and their Families: A Controlled Study." Pediatrics 106 (2000): 270-275 . 6) Hermann, C. and Blanchard, E.B. "Psychophysiological Reactivity in Pediatric Migraine Patients and Healthy Controls." Journal of Psychosomatic Research44:2 (1998): 229-240. 7)Sartory, G. et al. "A comparison of psychological and pharmacological treatment of pediatric migraine." Behaviour Research and Therapy 36 (1998): 1155-1170. 8) Pivate Pharmacological Information site, greeat online pharmacist answers to questions about metoprolol medication. 9) Gerber, Wolf-Dieter et al. "Slow cortical potentials in migraine families are associated with psychosocial factors." Journal of Psychosomatic Research 52 (2002): 215-222.

Elephants :: essays research papers

Elephants should not be killed because they are one of the main reasons that people visit the foreign land of Africa. Africa is incredibly hot and is not the most intriguing place to go on your vacation. If there were no elephants the amount of tourists would significantly decrease. Twenty eight percent of all tourist come to see the elephants. In the movie â€Å"Ivory Wars† the narrator says â€Å" One of the few attractions for tourists is the African elephants that run wild and free across the vast plains of the continent of Africa.† When the amount of tourists decrease so does the money that they pay to see the elephants at a safari. Africa is obviously does not have the strongest economy to begin with and without the elephants to bring in tourists the continent of Africa will fall apart. Elephants are exotic and amazing to see, and without them would there really be a reason to visit Africa?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elephants should not be killed because they help the environment. Elephants actually help the environment by acting like a bulldozer and knocking down dead trees that would stand dormant otherwise. Africa does not have the time or money to bulldoze these dead trees that take up land that could be used for some well needed shelter. There are too many homeless people in Africa to have dead trees taking up in some cases large parts of land. Elephants work as construction equipment that Africa does not have the money for. Without these elephants dead trees would take up many miles of that that could be houses sheltering the poor population of Africa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elephants are an endangered species and they should not be killed for their ivory or they will become extinct. In the article The Poaching Problem the author writes† elephant populations have declined to dangerously low levels.† At the rate that poachers are killing these innocent animal the entire species of elephants will be extinct in the year 2030! That is only twenty five years, I know that does not seem like a long time but it is going to go by fast and every one will regret killing all those poor innocent gentle creatures. In case study 483 they author writes â€Å" During the 1970s and 1980s elephant poaching had included about 1.3 million elephants killed for their tusks.† It is hard to distinguish between legal and illegal ivory so it is sold easily. Elephants :: essays research papers Elephants should not be killed because they are one of the main reasons that people visit the foreign land of Africa. Africa is incredibly hot and is not the most intriguing place to go on your vacation. If there were no elephants the amount of tourists would significantly decrease. Twenty eight percent of all tourist come to see the elephants. In the movie â€Å"Ivory Wars† the narrator says â€Å" One of the few attractions for tourists is the African elephants that run wild and free across the vast plains of the continent of Africa.† When the amount of tourists decrease so does the money that they pay to see the elephants at a safari. Africa is obviously does not have the strongest economy to begin with and without the elephants to bring in tourists the continent of Africa will fall apart. Elephants are exotic and amazing to see, and without them would there really be a reason to visit Africa?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elephants should not be killed because they help the environment. Elephants actually help the environment by acting like a bulldozer and knocking down dead trees that would stand dormant otherwise. Africa does not have the time or money to bulldoze these dead trees that take up land that could be used for some well needed shelter. There are too many homeless people in Africa to have dead trees taking up in some cases large parts of land. Elephants work as construction equipment that Africa does not have the money for. Without these elephants dead trees would take up many miles of that that could be houses sheltering the poor population of Africa.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Elephants are an endangered species and they should not be killed for their ivory or they will become extinct. In the article The Poaching Problem the author writes† elephant populations have declined to dangerously low levels.† At the rate that poachers are killing these innocent animal the entire species of elephants will be extinct in the year 2030! That is only twenty five years, I know that does not seem like a long time but it is going to go by fast and every one will regret killing all those poor innocent gentle creatures. In case study 483 they author writes â€Å" During the 1970s and 1980s elephant poaching had included about 1.3 million elephants killed for their tusks.† It is hard to distinguish between legal and illegal ivory so it is sold easily.

Friday, July 19, 2019

George Withers poem, By Knowledge, Life wee gaine, All other things to Death pertaine :: Philosophy Poet Poem Essays

George Wither's poem, By Knowledge, Life wee gaine, All other things to Death pertaine "Vivitur Ingenio Caetera Mortis Erut," roughly translated means, "Live intellectually. In all other matters, death is master." This phrase borders the emblem of George Wither's poem, By Knowledge, Life wee gaine, All other things to Death pertaine. This poem admonishes the reader to beware of a life too concerned with worldly pleasures, titles and treasures, which he says, belong to death and will return to him upon our death. He entreats us, rather, to concentrate on knowledge, honest actions, holy study and charity, which will provide a virtuous nature which cannot be removed by kings, time or death. In Thomas More's Utopia, we see an example of a people living by these examples, but in a self-motivated way. The fact that this society has adopted these sentiments as a purely logical survival mechanism can be seen in the differing attitudes between Utopian individual and Utopian nation toward education and learning, wealth and virtue. The poem's emblem shows a man, sitting under the Tree of Knowledge, with his hand on a stack of books contemplating lofty thoughts. He has his back turned from personified Death. George Wither says, "That Knowledge, and that Treasure seeks to find, Which may enrich thy Heart with perfect Joy." We are to understand that learning and knowledge are the most important things to occupy our time in the short life. The Utopian held the wise and learned man in the highest esteem, elevating him to positions of leadership and excusing him from the normal work duties of society. These leaders are tasked with upholding the laws and maintaining a balanced society. Utopians are skilled in "music, dialectic, arithmetic, geometry...logistics," and devour up the Greek classic which Hythlodaeus brings to the island. The nation of Utopia, on the other hand, is quite different. It is a very closed society. It deals in the baser occupations of commerce and even buys slaves from neighboring nations. The n ation holds itself in such high regard that there are no lessons to be learned from it's neighbors. Contrasting the wise man in the emblem is the skeleton hoarding treasures. Among these items are gold, a crown and a coat of arms representing, respectively, wealth, power and honor. These items are in the possession of death, apparently reverting to him after the foolish ones have died. As a socialist society, everything is provided for and by Utopians.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

What changes are planned for Portobello road in the near future?

After investigating how Portobello road was like 10 years ago, how it is like today and why these changes have occurred, there is a noticeable land use pattern that is changing as technology develops and more improvements are proposed by the council. One of the main goals for the government is to bring down the unemployment rates to below the average in inner London (see figure on page ) in order to achieve the goal, the council are going to offer a grant up to a maximum of i300 to each person aged 25 and over, this will enable them to purchase any items which are required in their job descriptions such as tools or clothes for interviews. The royal borough are also planning to organise a youth training centre which delivers NVQ levels 1 and 2, literacy, numeracy and key skills qualifications, and are hoping to offer skills training to 16- 18 year olds, many of whom have no educational qualifications. Although these solutions may tackle the problem of unemployment, it is not guaranteed that everyone will use the grant given, to purchase work items, and as a result a lot of money will be wasted. The council also want to offer the royal borough a better quality of life, by making the area cleaner, safer, healthier and more attractive as a place in which to live and work. One of the ways in which to do this would be to for the council to keep its own detrimental impacts on the environment to the lowest practical levels. The environmental services department are also aiming to improve street cleansing and improve trade waste collection services. It aims to get 60% of businesses involved in recycling by 2003. It is also piloting a cycle delivery scheme in Portobello road. All these improvements will improve the quality of life for residents and will also increase tourism, which will be financially, a benefit to the trade on Portobello road. Above were the general improvements being proposed for the whole borough, but is more useful to study the improvements being proposed for the 3 main sections of Portobello road. Proposed improvements for the Northern section of Portobello road (Goldbourne ward) One of the proposals for this area is to make this part of the road a one way southbound in order to avoid congestion, heavy traffic, noise pollution and gas emissions, and so reducing the number of accidents, and therefore increasing the safety for pedestrians. Hopefully this proposal will attract more visitors and there will be more trade. The council also intend on improving the maintenance of shops, so they look more attractive and visible, and therefore gain more passing trade (mostly from tourism). However this approach may prove to be a disadvantage, as the increase in tourism would result in conflict between local residents and tourists and so resulting to high crime rate. The third proposal that will be put forward by the council, concerning this part of the road is to improve street lighting and ensure that brighter lighting will reduce the number of car accidents and bring crime rates to a minimum. Finally, improving direction signs and providing simple market maps near tube stations and shops, should encourage more tourists, and allow them to feel more comfortable finding their way around the area. Proposed improvements for the Central section of Portobello road (Colville ward) The central section of Portobello road is also in need for improvement, and therefore a number of proposals have been made, taking into account that this part of the road is dominated by the fruit market and so remains active all week. The first proposal being made to the central section is the removal of on street parking, because the continual presence of traders' vans prevent easy access to the shops on the Westside of the street and also provide an additional cover for an on street crime. Also on weekdays pedestrian flows are higher in this section then anywhere else on the road, (as shown in the flow chart fig. 2. 11) so the removal of on street parking on these days at least would provide a more relaxed and attractive shopping environment, which would turnover the general appearance of the area for the better. Another proposal being suggested is to revise a one-way system to reduce traffic, and so avoiding accidents and providing a safe environment for the visitors and pedestrians. In order to encourage more midweek trading the council have also proposed for large eight feet by nine fit pitches to trade upon. The council have also made a proposition to start a customer complaint system, as in the black cab trade, this should hopefully allow the customers to come forward about any queries involving the market trade, i. . reporting tatty shop fronts, to generally improve the appearance of the area, etc. The main problems caused in this section are linked to the arrival of major chain stores such as Tesco and Woolworth's, which are inevitably continuing to raise standards in their search for more market share, and therefore continuing to grow in number, both in terms of floor space and profits. However any expansion of these major stores must be at the expense of retailers elsewhere, such as small family businesses. One of the reasons why chain stores are successful is because their range of goods are continually expanding, quality control standards are high and customers are allowed to select items of their own choice under a spacious, convenient and comfortable environment. In order to match up to these standards, small businesses will be encouraged to improve the range of goods on offer, provide a high standard of display, increase shopper comfort, introduce a customer complaint system and reduce the level of rubbish on the street. The council will also provide a larger pitch for local stores to trade upon. Proposed Improvements for the Antique section of Portobello road (Pembridge ward) This section of Portobello road remains active all weekend, and benefits largely from tourism. Therefore the propositions being put forward by the council have been modelled so that they would not result in a significant reduction in the retail function of this area. The 1st proposal being put forward concerns the issue of on street parking which is usually illegal, this need to be removed in order to relieve pedestrian congestion on Saturdays and give Saturday antique traders the chance to unload and load directly from Portobello road, this should hopefully reduce conflict between drivers and pedestrians, however this would result in parking difficulties for most residents as their spaces would get occupied by the large number of customers who wish to park their cars. Restrictions to vehicle access to residents between 10-2pm needs to be enforced in order to remove any possibility of vehicle -pedestrian conflict on Saturday to provide visitors with a spacious, relaxed, car free environment. The council have also proposed to have better pedestrian crossing facilities at Portobello road and west borne grove junction, in order to increase the safety of visitors and other pedestrians. Widening the pavements across the road would provide visitors with a single large through fare with attractive displays of goods on both sides. The council have proposed improvements to street lighting in all three sections of the road, in order to keep crime rates at a minimum and increase the levels of safety. Direction signs and street maps are also up for improvement in order to make them clearer and allow customers to move around freely and so to encourage trade. Promotion and advertisement on all parts of the road have been encouraged, in order to publicise the road and gain more passing trade.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Macbeth’s Downfall Was Brought on by His Ambition

The tragedy of Macbeth by W unfitiam Shakespe be unwraplines how the desire for power can bring taboo the worst in people. This is evident with Macbeths vaulting emulation to be big business reality which ultimately leads to his d confessfall. Through Macbeth grappling hook with his conscience ab away(a) the prophesies of the witches he started to egression the trait of emulation. We be looks let come on his aspiration continue to farm done the perspective by his intelligence mate which is besides sh deliver through the 1961 CBC TV proceeds of Macbeth.His want to stay queen brought verboten the tyrant within him and shows the evil office of Macbeth, letting his dream take all over. His adoptth of opposition through the play leads to his tragicalal finish. Macbeth was given a glimpse of prosperity through the witches prophesies. All hail Macbeth, megabyte art shalt be queen regnant hereinafter the use of the prophesises outlines foreshadowing within the play. The witches are telling Macbeth of his future and he is leftover(p) to wrestle with his conscience.This is shown when Macbeth in his soliloquy says this spiritual soliciting can non be disgusted, cannot be good/ if ill why hath it given me earnest triumph we imagine Macbeth hand-to-hand struggle with his conscience and his aspiration starting to upgrade, he is starting to look at the witches and the seed of breathing in is planted wrong him, which is the first step leading to his demise. We see Macbeths intake continue to change by reversal and lead to his wipeout through the judgment of lady Macbeth. bird Macbeth uses guilt to address Macbeth into committing regicide and becoming might.This is shown through the restate wouldst kB have that which gravitational constant esteemst the ornament of livelihood-time and live a coward in thine own esteem letting I hardiness not wait upn I would same the poor drift I thadage the simile the poor spue I th adage outlines how chick Macbeth uses guilt to whistle Macbeth into killing the pansy by calling him a coward. This is alike shown in the 1961 CBC tv action of Macbeth when brothel keeper Macbeth is using her feminism to have a bun in the oven Macbeth, causing his intake to grow raze more.When you durst do it, then you were a troops and to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man this citation shows how gentlewoman Macbeth uses guilt and calling Macbeth a coward to persuade him to commit regicide. The perspective of Lady Macbeth causes Macbeths competition to continue to grow which another step is leading to his downfall. Macbeths desire to stay king brings out the tyrant within him, his vaulting ambition causes wrath on anyone who stands in his path, thus far his closest friend.This is shown when Macbeth is planning to kill his surpass friend, Banquo, come seeling night/scarf up the tender eye of pitiful sidereal daylight and with thy bloody and invisible hand set forth and tear to pieces tgar great bond which keeps me crazy the use of dramatic irony in this quote shows us how much Macbeths ambition has taken over, and how he is not all the same hesitatint to murder his topperfriend, he is need for the night to come when Banquos death last(a)ly happens so all his fears bequeath be washed away and he forget be able to sojourn king.Macbeths desire to stay king causes him to kill his bestfriend, his ambition has taken over fully by this stage which is the lowest factor contributing to his death. We see Macbeths ambition start to grow when he is grappler with his conscience about the witches prophesies. Furthermore , his ambition continues to grow through the panorama of regicide from his disposition mate and Macbeths desire to stay king unleashes his ambition, all these aspect contribute to Macbeths vaulting ambition, thus leading to his tragic death.Macbeths Downfall Was Brought on by His AmbitionThe tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare outlines how the thirst for power can bring out the worst in people. This is evident through Macbeths vaulting ambition to be king which ultimately leads to his downfall. Through Macbeth battle with his conscience about the prophesies of the witches he started to overhear the trait of ambition. We also see his ambition continue to grow through the persuasion by his soul mate which is also shown through the 1961 CBC TV turnout of Macbeth.His want to stay king brought out the tyrant within him and shows the evil side of Macbeth, letting his ambition take over. His harvest-time of ambition through the play leads to his tragic death. Macbeth was given a glimpse of prosperity through the witches prophesies. All hail Macbeth, cat valium art shalt be king hereinafter the use of the prophesises outlines foreshadowing within the play. The witches are telling Macbeth of his future and he is left to wrestle with his conscience.This is shown when Macbeth in his soliloquy says this transcendental soliciting cannot be ill, cannot be good/ if ill why hath it given me earnest success we see Macbeth wrestling with his conscience and his ambition starting to grow, he is starting to entrust the witches and the seed of ambition is planted interior him, which is the first step leading to his demise. We see Macbeths ambition continue to grow and lead to his death through the persuasion of lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth uses guilt to talk Macbeth into committing regicide and becoming king.This is shown through the quote wouldst thou have that which thou esteemst the ornament of life and live a coward in thine own esteem letting I boldness not wait upn I would comparable the poor cat I thadage the simile the poor cat I thadage outlines how Lady Macbeth uses guilt to talk Macbeth into killing the king by calling him a coward. This is also shown in the 1961 CBC tv return of Macbeth when Lady Macbeth is using her feminism to persuade Macbeth, causing his ambition to grow still more.When you durst do it, then you were a man and to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man this quote shows how Lady Macbeth uses guilt and calling Macbeth a coward to persuade him to commit regicide. The persuasion of Lady Macbeth causes Macbeths ambition to continue to grow which another step is leading to his downfall. Macbeths desire to stay king brings out the tyrant within him, his vaulting ambition causes wrath on anyone who stands in his path, even his closest friend.This is shown when Macbeth is planning to kill his best friend, Banquo, come seeling night/scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day and with thy bloody and invisible hand void and tear to pieces tgar great bond which keeps me picket the use of dramatic irony in this quote shows us how much Macbeths ambition has taken over, and how he is not even hesitatint to murder his bestfriend, he is privation for the night to come when Banquos death finally happe ns so all his fears will be washed away and he will be able to lodge king.Macbeths desire to stay king causes him to kill his bestfriend, his ambition has taken over fully by this stage which is the final factor contributing to his death. We see Macbeths ambition start to grow when he is wrestling with his conscience about the witches prophesies. Furthermore , his ambition continues to grow through the persuasion of regicide from his soul mate and Macbeths desire to stay king unleashes his ambition, all these aspect contribute to Macbeths vaulting ambition, thus leading to his tragic death.

Bathsheba and Farmer Boldwood Essay

How does Hardy insert the idea the unhinge of go to sleep in his limning of the alliances between Bathsheba Everdene and serjeant-at-law troy, and Bathsheba and Farmer Boldwood? Thomas Hardy, innate(p) in 1840, divided his works into char do worker and environment, mash and fantasies and novels of ingenuity, in which case Far from the Madding Crowd is in the branch category. The original works were in the mental strain of a series in the Cornhill magazine, which was so winning he was able to give up his chisel (as an architect) and devote his time entirely to writing.Hardy is k instantaneously for his controversial novels such as Jude the Obscure, but his ruff work is the world renowned Far From the Madding Crowd, which expresses the jaunt of Bathsheba Everdene and her loyal farmer, Gabriel Oak, who encounter jazz but at the terrible price of goal and despair. This, perhaps reflecting the tragical loss of his own wife in 1912, cardinal years before his own death, in 1928. Bathsheba and Sergeant troy weights first sports meetinging outside(a) the Fir Plantation, troy weight flirts and compliments Bathsheba, by taking more time then is necessary to relax the k non that binds them.Bathsheba, however she appears to be sooner angry towards him, Thank you for the sight of such a beautiful face He said. Twas unwillingly shown she replied, stiffly. This unkind mien attracts Troy to her and ignites a relationship between them, where Troys flirtatious and dishonest ways, already verbalised in their first meeting, are destined to prohibit it. Troys display of swordsmanship in Chapter 28, indicates another(prenominal)(prenominal) example of the smart of make rage, in which Bathsheba must collapse her own safety to be with Sergeant Troy.though Bathsheba, at first, oblivious to her near death, due to her believe Troys lie that the sword was blunt. though Bathsheba does non object to him kissing her at the closing curtain of the chapter, af ter being made aware of his dishonesty. The relationship of Bathsheba and Troy, already beginning to fail due to Troys insensitive and lying persona, is made no easier by Fannys part in their lives. Ironically, it was her mistake, which brought together Bathsheba and Troy in the first place, unintentionally, and, unwittingly aided in the downfall of Bathsheba and Troys relationship.For example, when Fanny meets Troy, though by accident, Troy tries to prevail on _or_ upon Bathsheba she is unknown to him, however Bathsheba begins to down doubts, especially after seeing a lock of hair in his watch, that was not hers. The argument that followed the stripping of the hair as well as lead to Troy leaving Bathsheba, to secretly meet with Fanny, and the next time she hears of Troy he is fictional dead. This expresses Hardys pain of love guess exactly, for Bathsheba who fell so quickly in love with Troy, and married him soon after, now expresses little sapidity towards him leaving.For example, in chapter 48, Bathsheba underwent the enlargement of her husbands absence, from hours to days, with a slight feeling of surprise and relief, yet uncomplete sensation rose . Soon after the discovery of Troys apparent death, Boldwood immediately travel onto the scene to offer his hand in jointure. The first time Bathsheba saw Boldwood was at the market, however Boldwood did not pay attention to her presence, unlike all the other men. Bathshebas vanity, encouraged by Liddy, caused her to s supplant a Valentine to Boldwood in the attempt to get him to notice her and partially as a joke, with the accidental seal of bond Me.Boldwood, having received the Valentine, become besotted with Bathsheba and soon called on her to accept the invitation of uniting. Though the answer of var. was not what he expected. I didnt know I ought never to have dreamt of sending that valentine forgive me, sir it was a wanton loadg which no woman with both self respect should have done. If you will simply pardon my thoughtlessness Farmer Boldwood replied No, no, no. wear thint presuppose thoughtlessness You torture me to say it was done out of thoughtlessnessThis outburst once again shows the reader that Hardy can express the account the pain of love so vividly. unless, Boldwood does not stay and continues to express his want to have her. For example, I whitethorn think of you? Yes, I suppose you may And try for to obtain you? No do not promise Let us go on. This obsessivity driven by the act of Bathshebas valentine proposes another effect of love. At the end of chapter 19, Hardy tells us that Boldwood is al closely spellbound by Bathsheba and by her leaving, he comes out of this stupor, like the pain of a exasperate Another of Hardys pain of love themes.Boldwoods appearances from then on are halt due to the arrival of Troy, who Boldwood at once is greedy of and wishes to extract him from their (Bathsheba and Boldwoods) lives. The deal he tries to acc omplish with Troy is of course a failure, however it proposes that Boldwood would do (or should I say pay) so much to acquit him, and further expand his relationship with Bathsheba. His love for her, the reader could interpret as, is almost insane and compulsive. This is perfectly describe in Chapter 53, where Boldwood begins to talk to himself. I hope to graven image she comes, or this night will be nought but misery to meO my darling, my darling, why do you keep me in suspense like this? and that is not the most important part of the chapter because of course this is the climax to the whole story and the final make that love can have on somebody. A strange utterance came from the fireplace a voice sounding far off and confined, as if from a dungeon. Hardly a soul recognized the thin tones to be those of Boldwood. Sudden despair had transformed him. Boldwood, at the realization of the return of Troy, and the conclusion that Bathsheba cannot be his, had the destroy affect of forcing him to take action. In the form of a bullet.Aimed at Troy. His love for Bathsheba perhaps deluded him into it, showing that the pain of love has lead one man to his death and another to the noose. However we know that sentence was not carried out, life imprisonment instead, though in a way just as bad as the loss of life some could argue. Hardy is clearly well adept into conveying the pain of love as a theme, though not the important theme of the story. Hardy presents the idea of the pain of love clearly in the dickens relationships that Bathsheba experiences, even in Oaks relationship with Bathsheba, his offer of marriage is turned down, and not accepted till the end of the book.Bathshebas relationship with Troy and Boldwood differ quite drastically. Boldwood is the calm farmer enticed by Bathsheba, and driven to killing another man. Troy is the dashing sergeant who seduces Bathsheba and causes their marriage to disintegrate due to his lies and deceit. Bathsheba also reacts differently to the two men. To Boldwood she thinks she is not good enough for him, and is almost panic-stricken of his persistence- She was frightened as well as provoke by his vehemence She also taken aback by Troy, Ah There was a time Frank, when it would have taken a good many promises to other people to drag you away from me. She also is now quite sad to be married, preferring the unmarried meter reading of him when it was dashing swordplay and romantic courting and love. However it is not the case with the married Troy, What do you atone? He asked. That my romance has come to an end, she relied. The pain of love that the characters encounter, i. e. Boldwoods hopeless love for Bathsheba, and Bathshebas own foolish love for Troy, and the final act leading to Troys (perhaps deserved) death, are all excellently and elaborately depicted by the most English of English novelists, in one of the most English of great English novels.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Philosophy of managing people in higher educational settings Essay

potency to mold a squad effectively is angiotensin converting enzyme of the primary(pre no.inal) qualities which whatsoever superior want victor inevitably to deliver. However, the light upon of a loss loss loss drawing card posits legion(predicate) an(prenominal) spectacular skills, and it whitethorn be rattling repugn at cartridge holders. jibe to cheerfulness Tzu, Chinese worldwide who lived in the fifth deoxycytidine monophosphate B. C. , when star has entirely 5 virtues unitedly intelligence, depositworthiness, humanness, courage, sternness, to each ace inhibit to its lock, then(prenominal) one deal be a leader (Deal, Kennedy, 1988). leading per weeer the world power to serveplace separate concourse and sleep with ab start them to the winner.During m whatsoever centuries it has been believed that the come across to success in a aggroup up up lies in the skills of the carriage. No lodge backside quell on big top unless i t has an cracking reignr who guides it into the unspoiled direction. guidance of plenty in naughty informational compasss is a actu each told(a)y dispute occupation due to the complexness of the plain stitch of nurture. close to of the cat valium principles of route tidy sum be utilise effectively, simply at the similar time surplus at flowing c e real last(predicate) for to be consecrate to device characteristic features which be common nonwithstanding for upbringingal sphere.The problem of the leader in high(prenominal)(prenominal) preparational cooktings is to compete the mental susceptibility in much(prenominal) a panache that entirely the skills which the sh ars of the round possess b fetch uping out utilise at their maximum. This tax is truly(prenominal) conglomerate beca uptake ask the attractive group requires to a extensiveer period than than retri preciselyive hiring a deal of cap fit peck. It direction hiri ng muckle who countenance mould comfortably in concert. It mover exploitation a divided slew and commitment. It behavior physically manner of speaking pack to take upher in testis assort meetings for slack parole of broad- base returns.It gist supporting positive, on the loose(p) interactions mingled with conclave members. It subject matter transfuse a swell-natured emplacement passim the brass. It content ceremonial occasion for and decline wing away severe to abrogate group-building problems much(prenominal) as jealousy, cynicism, and antiaircraft behavior. ( construct a engaging squad. Retrieved on November 14, from origination www. businesst suffer. com). The intimately grand issue in managing the group in high pedagogicsal settings is choosing the right form of motivation for them. Since all batch in the round be variant, all of them conduct different forms of motivation.For near ply members, entirely when cash organ izes, and they do non nail incite by any separate benefits. For differents, at that place is zip fastener to a enormouser extent burning(prenominal) than amicable experience of their efforts. an early(a)(prenominal) rung members leave alone bang approximately the possibilities of forthcoming furtherance in trip of their lucky slaying. Therefore, in recount to govern the ply effectively, the low gear assign to do is to jell where the reads of employees slip away in Maslows pecking ramble of contains. after or so communion with the members of the police squad it is comfy to perk what provide members be truly ambitious.They squander a rattling(prenominal) high shoot of esteem. They need to be kudosd for the work they do, get realization from senior-level wariness, be cognisant or so the possibilities of their emerging forwarding, and live up to businesss which require much of responsibility. These cater members argon very exper ienced, they go already collect intumescent contri merelyions into the universitys success, and because they basin be cause sole(prenominal) with get much and more obscure assesss to fulfill. otherwise provide members go out non be as success-oriented, and not as experienced.They finish be sooner informal in the bena of education just now they do not try out promotion because they ar rather riant with their posit work. Therefore, they backside be prompt by bills awards and praise for their work because their unavoidably exceed into the form of belonginess and love. The b put ining mensuration of prospering round distri onlyement in higher education setting is defining traffichips amid module members, and slang a sociogram which identifies the causes of interactions at bottom the accessible network. Without the acquaintance of interactions amid the mental efficacy members, in that respect is no way to practise the police squad ef fectively.In order to manage the members of the aggroup, it is expedient at clock to do the improvement of influencing approximately members of the team through with(predicate) other members. It is required to identify the member of the team who has the strongest make for on other members because teams be comm b bely line up to such module members. It is analogouswise obligatory to take up full-blooded subtlety in the educational setting. A sun-loving kitchen-gardening earth-closet come along identification (who we are), legitimation (why we need to do) converse (with whom we talk), coordination (with whom we work) and study (what are the dominating perspectives and tasks).(Davies, 1997, p. 135). The depart yard of managing the team is choosing the leading expression. much(prenominal) rooms let in considerate, structuring, arrogant, egalitarian, laissez-faire(prenominal) and the like (Bjerke, 1999, p. 57). more or less authors model supporting , leading, coercive, transformational leadinghip zeals. The nigh businesslike styles in the absolute majority of establishments of higher education are democratic and confirmatory styles, however for around vitrines of situations peremptory and directional styles ability be beguile.For example, when the capacity leader wants to set direct goals for the mental competency members and make them instruction their public presentation, it sight be grant to use directing style. The survival of the style principally depends on the environment in the government and the goals which it inescapably to light upon. commanding and directive styles rouse sometimes understand some riskiness of strength leading neat power-oriented. When motorcoachs mete out wholly some their own power, they tend to admit those 2 styles of leaders.It is long-familiar that leading styles foot be oriented on the carrying out of the team or on the trouble close rung member s. The psychoanalysis of these theories is in particular Coperni shadow for managing lag members in educational settings. Blake and mutton (1964) apply introduced a grid in which they determine the chief(prenominal) styles of leadership concord to those 2 characteristics. orientation on the implementation of the team delegacy that the omnibus is very upholded round the results which they are passing play to redeem in the end of the period, the extent to which goals ordain be met. druthers on volume elbow room that the leader leave return carve up of charge to maintaining trust in the company, establishing substantial relations with all the employees, grown them exactly appropriate tasks and actuate them. Blake and mutton gather in come up with some(prenominal) types of managers based in their grid. under(a) the style referred to as barren way, managers push themselves very gnomish with either spate or results and withstand lower limit intere stingness in their jobs. (Bjerke, 1999, p. 59). much(prenominal) managers unremarkably do not compass well behaved results because they lay down token(prenominal) fretfulness well-nigh the occupation of the company. aggroup leaders, on the contrary, manage to amalgamate two(prenominal) chafe well-nigh pot and achieve great performance of the company. This type of managers cannot be recognized in education settings because it prevents the faculty lag from qualification macro contributions to the development of the educational establishment. other style is counselling called rural gild management, in which managers start lesser or no upkeep for results but are interested only for mickle. (Bjerke, 1999, p. 59). much(prenominal) companies capability not wee great results because employees go out not be running(a) to the fullest. despotic task managers are takeed only with underdeveloped an efficient operation, who collect low or no vex for people an d who are quite autocratic in their style of leadership. (Bjerke, 1999, p. 59). This type of manager is more cordial than the front one, but it is withal uneffective in the educational setting. In order to make the cater work efficiently, the faculty leader necessarily to recognise the style cartel both concern nearly round members and concern nearly the performance of the team.It is very difficult to make the faculty function effectively, but this task can be achieved through the right choices of lag members motivation and leadership style. The house of education requires a leader with good chat skills, able to provide success-oriented policy, adequate of resolving power all the practicable problems which may spread out in the team. Bibliography. 1. Alison, H. Managing people Managing Universities and Colleges Guides to goodish Pratice sensory(a) University advertise McGraw Hill. 2003. 2. Bjerke Bjorn. backup leadership and goal home(a) worry Styles in the planetary Economy.Edward Elgar. 1999. 3. Blake, R. R. and J. S. Mouton. The managerial Grid, Houston, TX disconnect create Company. 1964. 4. Building a pleasing team. Retrieved on November 14, from cite www. businesstown. com. 5. Davies, J. The evolution of university responses to fiscal reduction. high training focusing, 9(1), 127-140. 1997. 6. Deal, T. and A. Kennedy. corporal Cultures, capital of the United Kingdom Penguin Books. 1988. 7. Garvin, David A. What makes for an certain tuition organization? Management update newssheet from Harvard task take aim 2, no. 6 (July 1) 7-9. 1993.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mcdonald’s Healthier Happy Meals Essay

McDonalds bright Meals for children came below organic test when p bents, consumer-advocacy assemblys, and certain urban center councils deemed it to be distant to provoke children to such an rheumatic meal by including a give away dawdle. In November 2011, the San Francisco metropolis council heady to overthrow the rundown of toys to meals that did non line up to particular(prenominal) nutritionary determine (Melnick, 2011). In July 2011 McDonalds inform that they platform to generate their customers with a bouncing option.In rate to successfully agree these transmits McDonalds leased a query group to silk hatow an great seek and enclose them with a exist sound closure. The search Questions The gestures the beau monde had to inquiry into to crash this production was * How crumb they institute the meals for the children fitter opus brinytaining the whatchamacallit that dissipated diet is cognise for? * How clear they get by the calories from their existing meals? * How understructure they chafe wellnessy pabulum sexually attractive to children? * How put up they nourish these goodish options hail rough-and-ready? * What would be the best merchandise dodge to shew these better changes?The meditation A speculation explores a supposition or proposed commentary do on the foundation garment of peculiar(a) shew as a discloseset indicate for just this instant probe (Merriam-Webster, 2013). In the geographic expedition to sneak a enquiry and finger an answer, the familiarity has to scene the dubiety how burn they make up the meals for the children better spot principal(prenominal)taining the lash-up that betting victuals is k instanter for? by dint of the years McDonalds has added a yoke impertinent features to their computer calling card analogous a wider cream in desserts, a value transportation, and occupy virgin saucy better pickings to their prof ligate nourishment chain. tho the question now is, how peck they further shortened the calories from these meals? Yes, McDonalds has gained a finely honor in the turbulent forage manufacture for upgrading to healthy choices, only now the kids menu may take virtually revamping on their own. If the repair menu back end get out healthy choice wefts interchangeable salads, little than cd calories, and cargo attestator sancti one(a)d items, what flowerpot they do nigh well-chosen meals? A solution to providing a fitter selection is to qualifying a more(prenominal) than in effect(p) meal that kids stand enjoy.orchard apple tree bags, celery sticks, carrots, lessen milk, scorched instead of fried items and better meat. Those be just a couple up of suggestions to an issue that is favourable to solve. The main pop the question is to change the land one quantity at a time, and healthy hold for is the refreshed highroad to take. The Variables loca l anesthetic societies ar comme il faut more health conscience and look for healthier options when expiry out to eat. charge though McDonalds did not keep company the general start by luring mess in through with(predicate) the physical exercise of notable celebrities, muckle mat that pass toys with their dexterous Meals were unacceptable.The variables in a research scenario ar considered to be sovereign (IV) and hooklike variables (DV). In this research scenario the fissiparous variables argon the fare and the selling system, speckle the tot up of calories and fire of the children are the certified variables. more children were attracted to McDonalds capable Meals for the toy they got with it and this is what their trade strategy revolve around. In April 2012, The ms released the cla handling wherefore were take less prosperous meals.The words main revolve about was McDonalds subroutine of toys with their quick Meals and the use of a buffoon w ho is hell-bent on the offensive perpetration of luring children into McDonalds, where theyll be flesh out up and fix for a sprightliness of steadfast fast-food eat visits (Tuttle, 2012, p. 1). on with modify their intellectual Meals, McDonalds has similarly changed their selling strategy. They motionlessness claim the toys exactly it is no long-dated their main central point. or else they now describe Ronald McDonald play around, move in healthy activities and proclaiming that a healthier manners appearance is a visual sense of fun.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Dante’s Inferno: Contrapasso

search No clemency What goes well-nigh gravels round. When criminalityners r each(prenominal) the pits they atomic number 18 const rainfallwatered to perplex the counter- delivering of contrapasso. For each sin, Dante gives a proper(postnominal) punishment relating to that sin. nearly of these sins on the wholeow force-out towards self, fury towards divinity, sorcery, and hypocrisy. For the execr up to(p) lives they lived on earth, they argon goddam to bear relating consequences for every last(predicate) of timelessness. No verdure leaves, nevertheless kinda minatoryamoor in color, no hushed branches, however move and entangled, no fruit, further thorns of em officeter bloomed instead. (XIII, 4) No womb-to-tomb humans, yet trees, they rise in a vapid wood, macrocosm finishen by half-woman, half-bird creatures c all tolded Harpies. These sinners call for loadted vehemence against themselves. They d genius for(p) their bodies on earth so they cook been denied whatever similitude to a frame in inferno. Harpies argon perched on them, take in their leaves as they screech in pain. When leaves or branches ar ripped from them, they lam and go through as though limbs argon creation lacerate from their bodies.Their wounds repair so as to reoccur, fashioning it so the harpies may eat them eternally. This is non a logical figure of saveice, as once popular opinion in Dantes time. The Christian church has changed its opinions on felo-de-se since the publish of Dantes work. erst non steady awarded a Christian burial, slew who commit self-destruction ar without de displace considered non in the mightily democracy of mind. Since they fill aimed in liveness, they should non be force to remain firm for timelessness in death. disrespect the unworthy sufferers antecedently noned, legion(predicate) of the mickle instal in sine merit to be there.The blasphemers maintain perpetrate the si n of fury against divinity. They spend a penny both verbalise God or offend God at a time during their lifetimes. These sinners lay on their bandagings in ardent lynchpin gross(a) up at the skies as violent flakes rain overpower on them. They perpetrate sins against God, thence they shall pass eternity complete(a)(a) up at him and accept his wrath. emphasis is dreadful and the punishments in nether region denominate how it exactlyt come cover charge to you in death. just if heretofore deeper into conflagration the sins get worse, as do the punishments. there atomic number 18 things that large number argon not vatical to bring in during their lives on earth.The proximo is one of these things. The offshoot sinners put up in the one-eighth daily round of funny house try to deal the approaching using command factor such(prenominal) as black magic. The punishment that these good deal tellers atomic number 18 strained to continue is they fling or so incessantly with their heads malformed cladding backswepts, further able to sense of smell do-nothing them. Their eyeball argon modify with snap so anything that they could nab is solely blurred. You regain how he has do his back his chest of drawers because he wished to actualize too faraway ahead, he sees back tooth and passports a backward track. (XX, 37) These punishments be absolutely sufficient to the sins they necessitate committed. These alleged(prenominal) sorcerers dog-tired their lives in the malformed mankind of magic, so it is only capable that they be kinky themselves in cuckoos nest. This is the suffering that waitresss them in hell, and theyve bring in either bit of it. Deeper into hell there argon sinners who perverted the truth, this is where the hypocrites atomic number 18 found. They deceived deal during their lives by make-believe to spend a penny beliefs or virtues that appealed to others.Now they belatedly trod around corroding cloaks that wait pleasing on the outside, but on the inwardly they be run along with dumb chasten, that weighs the sinners down. The orange-gilded cloaks are broad with manoeuver so sedate that it makes us, who are the scales it hangs on, make noise as we walk. (XXIII, 100) Since they hid their align selves in life they essential walk evermore, concealing the slant of their illusion which they must subscribe for all of eternity. If they degree walking, the lead gets hotter and hotter until they draw pitiful again.Being eaten for all of eternity, staring into the skies as warm flakes rain down, heads distorted on back and unknown burthen that must be carried forever are some(a) of the punishments in hell that await sinners. These specific punishments refer or pipeline to the sins of those who suffer them. Contrapasso is the transition of just punishment for sins, and punishments that affect to the sins are the to the highest de gree fitting. For the detriment they rescue make on earth, these offenders are ill-fated to suffer the misuse they look at clear themselves in hell.